4.1. tnpy.tsdrg.Node#

class tnpy.tsdrg.Node(node_id, left=None, right=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: quimb.tensor.tensor_core.Tensor

The node of binary tree, while data structure is inherited from quimb.Tensor.

  • node_id (int) – An integer ID of this node.

  • left (Node) – The left child node. Default None.

  • right (Node) – The right child node. Default None.

  • *args – Arguments to initialize quimb.Tensor.

  • **kwargs – Keywords to initialize quimb.Tensor.

__init__(node_id, left=None, right=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

The node of binary tree, while data structure is inherited from quimb.Tensor.

  • node_id (int) – An integer ID of this node.

  • left (Optional[tnpy.tsdrg.Node]) – The left child node. Default None.

  • right (Optional[tnpy.tsdrg.Node]) – The right child node. Default None.

  • *args – Arguments to initialize quimb.Tensor.

  • **kwargs – Keywords to initialize quimb.Tensor.


__init__(node_id[, left, right])

The node of binary tree, while data structure is inherited from quimb.Tensor.

add_owner(tn, tid)

Add tn as owner of this Tensor - it's tag and ind maps will be updated whenever this tensor is retagged or reindexed.


Add a tag or multiple tags to this tensor.

almost_equals(other, **kwargs)

Check if this tensor is almost the same as another.


Apply the function fn to the underlying data array(s).


Return a TensorNetwork with only this tensor.

astype(dtype[, inplace])

Change the type of this tensor to dtype.

astype_(dtype, *[, inplace])


Return a tuple of the shared indices between this tensor and other.


Do some basic diagnostics on this tensor, raising errors if something is wrong.


Check if this tensor is 'owned' by any alive TensorNetworks.


Take the diagonals of any repeated indices, such that each index only appears once.

collapse_repeated_(*[, inplace])

compute_reduced_factor(side, left_inds, ...)


Conjugate this tensors data (does nothing to indices).

conj_(*[, inplace])

contract(*[, output_inds, optimize, get, ...])

Contract a collection of tensors into a scalar or tensor, automatically aligning their indices and computing an optimized contraction path.

copy([deep, virtual])

Copy this tensor.

direct_product(T2[, sum_inds, inplace])

Direct product of two Tensors.

direct_product_(T2[, sum_inds, inplace])

distance(tnB[, xAA, xAB, xBB, method, ...])

Compute the Frobenius norm distance between two tensor networks:

distance_normalized(tnB[, xAA, xAB, xBB, ...])

draw([color, show_inds, show_tags, ...])

Plot this tensor network as a networkx graph using matplotlib, with edge width corresponding to bond dimension.


Drop certain tags, defaulting to all, from this tensor.

entropy(left_inds[, method])

Return the entropy associated with splitting this tensor according to left_inds.

expand_ind(ind, size[, mode, rand_strength, ...])

Inplace increase the size of the dimension of ind, the new array entries will be filled with zeros by default.


Sort this tensor's indices into a list of those that it shares and doesn't share with another tensor.

flip(ind[, inplace])

Reverse the axis on this tensor corresponding to ind.

flip_(ind, *[, inplace])

fuse(fuse_map[, inplace])

Combine groups of indices into single indices.

fuse_(fuse_map, *[, inplace])

gate(G, ind[, preserve_inds, inplace])

Gate this tensor - contract a matrix into one of its indices without changing its indices.

gate_(G, ind[, preserve_inds, inplace])


A simple function that returns the 'parameters' of the underlying data array.

graph([color, show_inds, show_tags, ...])

Plot this tensor network as a networkx graph using matplotlib, with edge width corresponding to bond dimension.


Get the index configuration of the maximum element of this tensor, optionally applying f first.


Get the index configuration of the minimum element of this tensor, optionally applying f first.


Return the size of dimension corresponding to ind.


Return the total size of dimensions corresponding to inds.


Get all indices that appear on two or more tensors.


isel(selectors[, inplace])

Select specific values for some dimensions/indices of this tensor, thereby removing them.

isel_(selectors, *[, inplace])

isometrize([left_inds, method, inplace])

Make this tensor unitary (or isometric) with respect to left_inds.

isometrize_([left_inds, method, inplace])


Return the scalar value of this tensor, if it has a single element.


Return the largest element, in terms of absolute magnitude, of this tensor.


Return the maximum size of any dimension, or 1 if scalar.


Overwrite the data of this tensor in place.

moveindex(ind, axis[, inplace])

Move the index ind to position axis.

moveindex_(ind, axis, *[, inplace])

multiply_index_diagonal(ind, x[, inplace])

Multiply this tensor by 1D array x as if it were a diagonal tensor being contracted into index ind.

multiply_index_diagonal_(ind, x, *[, inplace])


Negate this tensor.

negate_(*[, inplace])

new_bond(T2[, size, name, axis1, axis2])

Inplace addition of a new bond between tensors T1 and T2.

new_ind(name[, size, axis, mode, ...])

Inplace add a new index - a named dimension.

new_ind_pair_with_identity(new_left_ind, ...)

Expand this tensor with two new indices of size d, by taking an (outer) tensor product with the identity operator.

new_ind_pair_with_identity_(new_left_ind, ...)

new_ind_with_identity(name, left_inds, ...)

Inplace add a new index, where the newly stacked array entries form the identity from left_inds to right_inds.


Frobenius norm of this tensor:


normalize_(*[, inplace])

randomize([dtype, inplace])

Randomize the entries of this tensor.

randomize_([dtype, inplace])

reindex(index_map[, inplace])

Rename the indices of this tensor, optionally in-place.

reindex_(index_map, *[, inplace])


Remove TensorNetwork tn as an owner of this Tensor.

retag(retag_map[, inplace])

Rename the tags of this tensor, optionally, in-place.

retag_(retag_map, *[, inplace])


A simple function that sets the 'parameters' of the underlying data array.


Get the total size of the shared index(es) with other.

singular_values(left_inds[, method])

Return the singular values associated with splitting this tensor according to left_inds.

split(left_inds[, method, get, absorb, ...])

Decompose this tensor into two tensors.

squeeze([include, exclude, inplace])

Drop any singlet dimensions from this tensor.

squeeze_([include, exclude, inplace])

sum_reduce(ind[, inplace])

Sum over index ind, removing it from this tensor.

sum_reduce_(ind, *[, inplace])

symmetrize(ind1, ind2[, inplace])

Hermitian symmetrize this tensor for indices ind1 and ind2.

symmetrize_(ind1, ind2, *[, inplace])

to_dense(*inds_seq[, to_qarray])

Convert this Tensor into an dense array, with a single dimension for each of inds in inds_seqs.

to_qarray(*inds_seq[, to_qarray])

trace(left_inds, right_inds[, ...])

Trace index or indices left_inds with right_inds, removing them.

transpose(*output_inds[, inplace])

Transpose this tensor - permuting the order of both the data and the indices.

transpose_(*output_inds[, inplace])

transpose_like(other[, inplace])

Transpose this tensor to match the indices of other, allowing for one index to be different.

transpose_like_(other, *[, inplace])

unfuse(unfuse_map, shape_map[, inplace])

Reshape single indices into groups of multiple indices

unfuse_(unfuse_map, shape_map, *[, inplace])

unitize([left_inds, method, inplace])

Make this tensor unitary (or isometric) with respect to left_inds.


Method descriptor with partial application of the given arguments and keywords.

vector_reduce(ind, v[, inplace])

Contract the vector v with the index ind of this tensor, removing it.

vector_reduce_(ind, v, *[, inplace])


Visualize all entries of a tensor, with indices mapped into the plane and values mapped into a color wheel.



Conjugate this tensors data (does nothing to indices).


The backend inferred from the data.



The data type of the array elements.






The number of dimensions.





The size of each dimension.


The total number of array elements.


__init__(node_id, left=None, right=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

The node of binary tree, while data structure is inherited from quimb.Tensor.

  • node_id (int) – An integer ID of this node.

  • left (Optional[tnpy.tsdrg.Node]) – The left child node. Default None.

  • right (Optional[tnpy.tsdrg.Node]) – The right child node. Default None.

  • *args – Arguments to initialize quimb.Tensor.

  • **kwargs – Keywords to initialize quimb.Tensor.

property node_id: int#
property left: tnpy.tsdrg.Node | None#
property right: tnpy.tsdrg.Node | None#
property is_leaf: bool#